Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Calm down bottle

                     I love Pintrest while searching for ideas for Eloise, I came across this neat idea of a calm down / time out bottle. How it works you shake it and set the kid into their time out spot or onto a chair or wherever you can . You get the child to watch the glitter settle  and when its settled their time out is over or when you think its time you take it away.I have personally found it has been a huge help with calming Eloise down when freaking out  for things or when acting up. It is very effective when shes on time out as it helps her sit and within a min shes very much so calmer but also forgets about what she was freaking for. Its also great for when shes over stimulated to get her to take a minute and sit down and its amazingly calms her.I have tired it at work recently with a few other kids and it has same affect but I used it to calm and  reinforce with.

what you will need to make your very own bottle:

1 clear bottle with cover 
1 bottle of glitter glue
1 pkg ultra fine glitter


      1) fill bottle a little over  3/ 4 way full with water 
      2) add in glitter glue
      3) then add in amount you want to of the ultra fine glitter
      4) shake and let settle 
      5) if it takes amount of time to settle you want then glue lid
      6) if it takes to long for you to settle add in more water till it                works fast enough for you
      7)  shake and send with your child to time out 

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